✓Best Prices
Save up to 27%! Get to see the shows you want at the best prices of the year.
✓Exclusive Offers
Invitations to special events, special pricing offers, and other perks!
✓Add-On Tickets For Less
Buy additional tickets to Rosebud Presents shows, RSA Artists-In-Training shows and the Open-Air Music Festival for less.
Bring a friend! 3 and 5 show Season Ticket Subscribers save up to 15% on regular priced tickets for guests who want to join your party.*
(*Max 4 per show/regular season adult opera house tickets only)
✓Come when you want
Buy your tickets now, then call to book the days you’d like to attend when you are ready.
✓Free Ticket Exchanges
Change in plans? No problem! Subscribers can exchange tickets to another date for free as many times as needed with 5 days notice or more.
✓Guaranteed Nights Out
Never miss a date night again. Book special time with your loved ones a year in advance with a subscription!
Buy before November 23 to be entered to win a trip for two to our sister theatre, Chemainus Theatre Festival, on Vancouver Island. Includes airfare, theatre tickets, 2 nights accommodation & spending cash. (Valued at $1450)
Subscribe before December 14 to be entered to win Banff Centre of the Arts programming of your choice. Includes tickets, 2 nights accommodation, & spending cash. (Valued at $950)
Refer a friend to purchase a Rosebud Theatre Subscription and earn complimentary tickets. Gift to a friend, bring more family, or come again - it's up to you.
By Phone: 403-677-2001 or 1-800-267-7553
In Person: Haskayne-Kenney Mercantile, 116 Main Street, Rosebud, AB
(Jan–Mar) Mon–Fri: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
(Apr–Dec) Mon–Sat 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Best Prices
Get to see the shows you want at the best prices of the year.
Best Seats
Select your favourite seats before they go on sale to the general public.
Free Ticket Exchanges
Do you have a schedule that shifts often? Become a subscriber and pay no exchange fees.
Buy tickets to Wingfield’s Inferno, the Rosebud Chamber Music Festival, and 15 Minutes of Fame at a special subscriber rate.
Exclusive Offers
Invitations to special events, special friend offers, and pre-sale opportunities.
Guaranteed Nights Out
Never miss a date night again. Special time with your loved ones is booked up to a year in advance with your subscription!